Cholesterol – This is a word that mostly rang the bells of the elders, isn’t it? However, do you also realize that one out of ten young people of the current population is suffering from cholesterol related illnesses? One of the realities that you don’t usually think about if you are young or if you are in good health and least paid attention to when making a decision on the future. But you do need to know your cholesterol figures. However, it is high time to reveal some information concerning the 5 features of cholesterol which young people should know.
But before describing concrete steps there are few general words to be said about cholesterol and its place within the life of a young man.
What is Cholesterol?
This is a fat which moves through your bloodstream and is required to make up the outer layer of all your body cells. It possesses functions in hormone production, the production of Vitamin D and a specific food component for digestion of foods. However, the case of having large quantity of cholesterol in the body is proven dangerous to one’s health.
Types of Cholesterol
There are majorly two types of cholesterol:
- LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein): They are also known as LDL cholesterol; one type is more popular because having too much of this floating in the blood stream contributes to the formation of plaques in arteries.
- HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein): On the other hand the high density lipoprotein also referred to as the good cholesterol is credited for cholesterol decrease in your blood.
5 Key Characteristics of Cholesterol at a Young Age
Let’s break down the five most critical characteristics of cholesterol in young people.
1. High Levels of LDL
One of the major issues is raised LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. High LDL when relatively young can provoke plaque to form in your arteries, which raises the long-term risk for future heart attacks or strokes.
2. Low HDL Levels
Although the concentrations of LDL may increase, concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and may remain low. Low HDL means your body is not removing enough cholesterol from the blood stream and thus will be a long term threat to you.
3. High Triglycerides
Other than cholesterol, a young person may have high triglycerides. It is the other fat that when elevated may cause the walls in an artery to become hard or thickened.
4. Genetic Predisposition
There are also some young adults genetically predisposed to having high cholesterol, or familial hypercholesterolemia. If you would be one of them, then even if you have not gone through a rather bad life style, your cholesterol level could well be above normal.
5. Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle
In today’s world with consumption of processed foods, extended hours spent on computer gadgets most of the young people have a challenge on obesity combined with lack of exercise. Both are major culprits of high cholesterol levels right from the young people.
The Effects of Lifestyle in youth regarding Cholesterol.
Diet and Cholesterol You can get most of your cholesterol from the diet you take in your day to day life. Diets rich in low density lipids or LDLs are characterized by high consumption of saturated and trans fats mostly from fried and processed foods.
Exercise and Its Role On the other hand it is seen that, through exercise cholesterol level shall remain constant. It helps to raise our HDL/BP (High Density Lipoprotein) which helps to promote the efficiency of the heart health and reduces LDL/BP (Low Density Lipoprotein).
Signs and Signals to Look Out For
The irony with cholesterol is that it was labeled to be called a “silent killer” since it does not point out signs unless too late. Well, there are still some early warning signs that will signal you may have to check your levels:
Tiredness and Shortness of Breath
Do you get tired or short of breath than usual? According to medical researchers, if your symptoms are severe it can be attributed to cholesterol deposits in your blood because to is able to flow freely through the arteries since they will become narrowed.
Unexplained Weight Gain
Having trouble understanding why you gain weight? But this is not usually linked to cholesterol and may be a sign to monitor general health, cholesterol inclusive.
Prevention and Management Tips
Heart Healthy Diet Again, the best way to proceed is by beginning a heart healthy diet. This may include; friut and vegetables; and whole grain products. Saturated fats and processed meals should also be included in this list.
Moderate Exercise Even small walks can also be helpful in cholesterol balancing. You should maintain at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to keep your heart healthy and healthy.
Monitoring and Routine Checks Lastly, track your numbers. Cholesterol tests are among the routine checks, to be made all through your lifetime, not even at a young age. These are also checked regularly if one has a family history of high cholesterol.